Our impact

We defeat poverty by empowering entrepreneurs. We are specialised in providing growth capital to ambitious SMEs.
The investments are targeted to those companies that contribute to our impact focus areas:

Good food &
Healthy life's

We support sustainable agribusinesses and food processors that are creating a positive change in nutrition, food production and consumption with a strong emphasis on sustaining biodiversity, reducing waste, and strengthening the position smallholder farmers in value chains.

Women's economic empowerment

We invest in enterprises that give women the opportunity to gain their own income and improve their economic status and wellbeing. We support enterprises led by women, providing women a decent job or income and/or produce products meeting specific women needs.

Decent work & improved livelihood

We invest in entrepreneurs who are positively contributing to local economic development, create jobs, provide excellent working conditions and a decent wage for people living in poverty with a focus on women, smallholder farmers and youth.

Our impact contribution to the SDGs

Our results

Our results are bi-annually monitored and updated. We have a much broader measurement framework and social impact assessment which is described in our Annual Social Report. To give an impression of our outreach and scale of activities, below a few key indicators. 

#smallholders supported
#female staff supported
#direct jobs sustained
0 M
€ sourced from farmers

*Latest update of these numbers was March 2019. 

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