Capstone is a locally owned and managed company engaged in the design, contract manufacture and distribution of women pads in Uganda. The driven entrepreneur strives to deliver last-mile distribution to make his more affordable pads “Secrets” available for the underserved people in rural Uganda. Our investment gave Capstone financial room to launch a product affordable for this segment.
Our engagement
Initially we provided a loan to develop and distribute a new product specifically designed to meet the needs of the underserved rural Ugandan women and girls. Our financial product was tailored to facilitate the launch of this new product while not bringing the existing secret pads in danger. Meanwhile, we have learned that we can better distribute the Secret pads to the last-mile instead of launching a new product so make use of existing product line and reduce costs.
Social impact
Access to affordable pads generates positive effects on the well-being of women; women and girls being able to complete their studies, be active in public life, and improve their health and sanitary conditions. Moreover, the growth of the business creates and maintains jobs for youth professionals in Kampala.